Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ready, Set, Go...

Today we ventured outside! We have another storm coming in so it was a little cooler, in the 90's! Everyone was into riding bikes and getting energy out, even Brayden wanted to try out all the bikes.

With our backyard being what it is we do not go out their very often so when we do the kids love it. Only a child would!! It is hard keeping them out of the dirt but they love riding the bikes and scooters.

Haley is in this phase where she can not just smile normal for a picture it has to be an exaggerated pose. It drives me crazy!! Could I just have a smile please!

Here is Brayden's debut on a four wheeler!

1 comment:

imarriedatree said...

He is too cute! And leave Haley day you won't even get a goofy pose!

BTW, I hate how you and Amelia can post almost everyday...:(

But fun for you!