Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Don't Forget Your Vitamins!

Brett came home with these and told me that at least now I would be getting some vitamins! "They" have finally figured out how to get people like me to take vitamins, put it in my daily caffeine fix!! Funny, I can't seem to get into taking vitamins everyday but I can't go a day without having a diet coke! I really need to break that addiction. It is pretty sad when your children play house and pretend they are the mom ordering a "diet"!! I hear them in their little play kitchen saying "I'll have a diet". I need a caffeine anonymous meeting!


We are the Matthews! said...

Great post!! That is sooo funny. I laugh only because I am right there with you! Mine is Diet Dr. Pepper or Cherry Coke! Do they have meetings like that? Sign me up!!

imarriedatree said...

Screw the meetings...I love my diet coke too!!!! Way better than diet pepsi! I'll have to show Jamie because he is always telling me to take vitamins and give up the diet. Now I can kill two birds with one stone. Thanks Bret! :)

And said but true, they have Anonymous groups for everything including being addicted to caffeine...you know Jen, it is a DSM diagnosis! I went to a drug and alcohol training for work and the AA group was there. I got a brochure of the various Anonymous groups, you would be amazed at the very lengthy list!

Oh, does the new diet coke taste good?

Mommy to Tyler & Kendall said...

This totally cracked me up because just yesterday Tyler was playing kitchen or cafe or whatever and he was pretend drinking and in front of all these others he says "this is my diet coke" and I felt all eyes on me, so I had to clarify that it was indeed just mommy who drinks diet coke and obviously too much but that he only drinks water, milk or juice. I felt so guilty!

Amelia said...

I love Diet Coke too, but truth be told I also love Diet Pepsi!! I need to try the vitamin one too...Tad always makes fun of me drinking too much diet coke! I'll sit next to you at the DCA (Diet Coke Anonymous) meetings!! heehee