Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What a MESS!!

Can anybody say mess!?! Brayden is our little boy that gets into everything. I feel like I am constantly following him around picking up after him or tell him no, no, no! See what happens when my eyes are not on him for one second. I was going through my pantry and throwing away old things, one of which was some formula I did not finish, it was right on the top of the garbage when Brayden found it. I looked out the pantry to see what he was doing and just saw a white mess with Brayden in the middle of it! I was just about to blow my top when I had the thought to get my camera. The only way I was able to keep calm was to go and get my camera and start taking pictures all the while thinking this is cute I can blog it!! Never thought this blog would be so therapeutic!!
Oh, now he wants to clean up!! It only made a bigger mess, but at least he is learning to clean up after himself. Thanks for trying Brayden, next time stay out of the garbage!

1 comment:

Amelia said...

how fun...fingerpainting in the formula! But you're did make for some cute pictures...way to see the "bright side"!! :)