Tuesday, August 12, 2008

HELP F-I-R-E!!!!!

Ok, so my victory with the barbecue was short lived, I burnt the pork chops last night to a crisp, literally!! I was broiling pork chops, (again from my monthly menu) which my recipe book said I could do and out of the blue flames erupted in my oven, I mean serious flames!! I was scared to death and immediately called 911 and told the girl my oven was on fire! I was so panicked that I sounded like a fool, I would hate to hear the recording of the 911 call! I was a mess and she was trying to calm me down and I just kept asking when the firemen were going to get here. Haley was scared to death too, she reminds me so much of myself it scares me. She was all about the fire and getting outside and she continually asked me if her stuff was going to get "fired up". She could not relax and even at one time had tears in her eyes. Mikayla on the other hand thought it was great, she loved the excitement and getting to go outside in her pj's! She on occasion would follow Haley's lead and act a little worried but then would just relish in the excitement! Brayden was so excited to be in the back yard he had no idea what was going on. I started to realize that it might not be that big of a deal when towards the end of the 911 call the fire started to go down, just a little! I was then feeling so many emotions, but mainly embarrassment! Once I realized everything was going to be fine I was humiliated. I called my sister as I waited for the fire engine to come and basically just wanted to crawl in a hole! When they finally got here the fire was completely out, luckily they did not blare their sirens, but they did have their lights all on, ugh!!!! I am sure I was the talk of the neighborhood! All I could say was "I am so embarrassed!" They said I did not over react that I did what I should have done, but I still felt silly. They checked everything out and said everything was fine, they laughed at the three burnt to a crisp pork chops and said "guess it's pizza tonight!" At least the firefighters had a sense of humor, so I felt a little better by the end of the whole ordeal. I have decided though that I am not going to use my broiler again, that thing scares me!
The girls ended up having a good time with the firefighters, they took them to the fire engine and offered to let them go up in it but Haley said no, she did not want anything to do with it, her nerves were still rattled I think! All the kids got red Henderson Fire hats and now Mikayla wants to be a "fire engine girl" when she grows up! Haley was so cute in her prayers that night she said "I'm thankful to be on this earth and not be fire away" I love that girl!!! Mikayla again not really phased by the event said in her prayers after all the other things and people she is thankful for "I'm thankful for the firemen". I am thankful too for firefighters that help and protect me and my family as well as our belongings. Although I did not really need them this time it's good to know they will come quickly and ready to help!

All in all this is one of my most embarrassing moments, I have allot of those moments! My sister even commented to me on the phone, she is glad I live close to her, so she can share in the excitement that I seem to always get myself into! Hey what a good post that would be "My Most Embarrassing Moments", I might have to do that!


Amelia said...

Jen!! First of all, I'm glad you guys are okay and that the fire didn't grow!! Second...that story was hilarious! Looking at your crispy porkchops and thinking of the firemen saying "I guess it's pizza tonight"..heehee!! that's so funny....glad you're okay :)

Mommy to Tyler & Kendall said...

I love what the firemen said! Next time though maybe get a fire extinguisher. hehehe (by the way, that's why I don't cook)

Heather said...

Look I am finally leaving a post. I was cracking up with the firemen said. I am glad you guys are okay.

imarriedatree said...

I guess I am not the best friend ever because the first thought was "what a dork!" Of course I know you are ok because you posted the incredibly hilarious ordeal. Really, I could NOT stop laughing! I could totally hear you saying "I'm so embarrassed." You freakin' crack me up! Not only should this be on your blog, but you should totally scrap this!!!!!!

Even more cute, is the fact that Mikaylah is thankful for "firemen!" I loved that!

By the way, next time, just turn the damn thing off:)