Saturday, May 31, 2008

Grandma's Here!

When Grandma comes it is always fun to go swimming at the Resort at Lake Las Vegas. The girls are turning into quite the little fishes. They love to show off their jumps for the camera. Brayden on the other hand did not want anything to do with the water. He held onto me for dear life. It will be interesting to see how he does in a couple of weeks when him and I do swimming lessons together. I hope I don't have a screamer on my hands! Brayden, Cameron and Grandma had some quality time sitting out by the pool. I love that picture, Grandma and her boys, who woulda thought!

Claim Jumper

We are so glad when Grandma comes to visit. She arrived on Thursday and Stayed until Saturday, we don't think that is enough time!! Thursday Sydney received the honor of being Eagle of the month at her elementary school. So to celebrate Grandma took us all out for dinner and dessert at Claim Jumper. Check out that dessert, Ryan gets the award for ordering the largest dessert ever; even with help he could not finish it! This was one of those nights that went really well. All the girls were happy, no temper tantrums or melt downs, just allot of laughs and smiles. I love nights like these! A fun night was had by all, can't wait to do it again.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Like Father, Like Son

We did not have any great plans this Memorial Day, just your average family barbecue. Me ma and Pop Pop came over and Brett Barbecued Hamburgers and Hot dogs. It was your all American feast with fruit and potato salad, even corn on the cob. I ate way to much and enjoyed every minute of it! I am not a big fan of watermelon, but as you can see my husband is, and now Brayden is following in his dads footsteps and developing a love for watermelon. Go Brayden, it looks like you will be getting your own watermelon bowl soon!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Soccer Party

Tonight was Haley's soccer party at Chuck E. Cheese. The girls had fun and all the players received a trophy. Haley loves the trophy, she carried it around with her all night. Now she wants to put a shelf up in her room to display the two trophies she now has. She got one on Tuesday from her dance teacher. At the end of the night she said she definitely wanted to play soccer again!

Cute Hairstyles

Ok, well I had to post some of the hairstyles I have learned from my new favorite blog. I love how Haley's turned out, this will be perfect for Kindergarten, it was fast and is cute. Mikayla's is cute too, but I have done this before and it is really not that different. She does not have the patience to sit and let me play with her hair. Hopefully she will get better with that!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Feeding The Ducks

The girls have been wanting to go feed the ducks for a while now, so a few days ago I took them. It was so nice and relaxing. Brayden still does not venture off the blanket (he does not like how the grass feels) so I don't have to worry about chasing after him, and the girls just sat and fed the ducks. At this park we were up high enough that the ducks could not get out of the water and get us, unlike the park in CA where I have taken the girls before. Haley, Mikayla and I do not like it when the ducks chase you, we find it very scary!! Mikayla especially loved this outing she did not want to leave the ducks. We brought lunch and bubbles, so when we ran out of "duck bread" we ate our lunch and did our fancy bubble swords. These bubble swords really work, the girls were able to make big bubbles and allot of them pretty easy. That was Brayden's favorite part, he loved watching the bubbles go up into the air. This was a nice day!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Calling all Princesses

Another Libby Lou's Birthday party. Haley's friend, Tyler had her birthday party at Libby Lou's yesterday and all week Haley had been looking forward to going. In fact, I was able to use it as leverage to get good behavior out of her all week, gotta love the art of bribery!! She loves this store and I guess so does all other little girls because their was 3 parties going on at the same time in a very little store!! None the less, Haley had a blast and this time she wanted to be Hannah Montana all the way! Love the wig, she left it on all of 5 minutes!! She felt so cool, I think the pictures reflect that! Thank you, Tyler for having such a cool birthday party!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Haley's Last Soccer Game

Today was Haley's last soccer game of the season. She has not decided yet if she is going to play in the fall, from one day to the next the answer is different. In fact this morning before the game the answer was no, and then later this afternoon the answer was yes, so who knows she still has a little time to decide. I don't think that Haley disliked the game of soccer, in fact I think she liked it. What she has a hard time with is the other girls kicking or pushing her to get the ball!! She does not like that at all, and even gets her feelings hurt by it. So soccer, to be continued...? We'll see!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Star any self-luminous celestial body having continuous nuclear reactions which send heat, light, ect. in all directions.
Circle the orbit of a heavenly body

Heart the central, vital, or main part; real meaning; essence; core

Thank you, Webster's College Dictionary

Haley's Preschool Graduation

On Saturday Haley had her Preschool Graduation. It was so cute! I loved the program and all the school did to make the event really special. They read each graduate's name and presented each with a diploma. Haley had been looking forward for this for the past month, since they had started practicing for it! Haley said her part in the program very clear and loud, I could hear her above all the others in her group. Her favorite teachers this year were Ms. Pam and Ms. Kim. She really developed a bond with Ms. Pam, I think it might have something to do with her slight resemblance to Grandma!!! (look at the mother's day blog to see what you think) She is ready to move on, and now is looking forward to Kindergarten. She is constantly asking when she gets to go to Sydney's school. I am so proud of you, Haley!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I just had to thank the two moms in my life. They are examples to me in many ways. My mom, I love her so much and respect her. She is a strong woman, even though she does not think so, she is strong in the things that matter. Her testimony and love for our Savior has carried me through my own doubts and insecurities. For that I will always be grateful. Her positive attitude and love for everyone is something I want in my life. She is not perfect, but she is the best mom I could have asked for. I can only hope that my grandchildren love me as much as her grandchildren love her. And my mother-in-law, she is an example of strength to me as well. She is a very caring, thoughtful person and her grandchildren love her for that, so do I. I don't know what we would do, living here in Nevada without her.
Being a mom is the most difficult yet rewarding responsibility their is. I am thankful for the opportunity I have to be a mom and to have been blessed with such wonderful children. I am also thankful to have the examples of two strong, loving moms in my life. Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Today I'm Cinderella

Today I am Cinderella. So many roles to choose from, mother, wife, friend, daughter, sister and yes maid, otherwise known as Cinderella! That is Thursdays for me and we all suffer, the girls do not like Thursdays either because they feel neglected. Brayden does not get it yet but he will soon enough or maybe, just maybe, he won't need so much attention like the girls do!!!!!! Maybe he will be an independent player, I can dream can't I?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cameron's Blessing

Here is Cameron after his blessing on Sunday. He is a beautiful baby, he is his daddy's boy! The blessing was nice and the testimonies that followed were too, especially one, Haley's. I could not believe it, but my little girl bore her testimony for the first time on Sunday. She said what was in her heart and it was beautiful, I could not help but tear up. I love that girl! I have to admit I was nervous when I saw her walking up to the microphone, what was she going to say, you know kids! I did not know she was going to do that, she was sitting by my mom and my mom let her walk up by herself! At least I did not have to take her up their, right. It is a hard thing for me to do, bare my testimony, I have one, but I seem to get all emotional and embarrass myself. I am thankful to my Heavenly Father to have such beautiful blessings in my life and it is times like this that I realize just how important being a mom is.

At One With Nature

Cameron was blessed on Sunday and after downloading my pictures I noticed a theme, Nature. I love how pictures look when taken in a natural setting. At the Church, while we were waiting for Tammy to finish all their pictures I took pictures of the girls smelling the flowers. Go figure, Mikayla could not pose for me naturally, and the ones I tried to take without her knowing, she would move, and a branch or flower would end up in front of her face! The one of Brayden was taken at the resort out by the pool, what a cutie, he loves the camera!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

A Baby Shower for Tammy

Well, I am not that creative so when I do something and it turns out half way decent I am pretty proud!! Today I gave my sister a baby shower it was really nice, my only frustration was I had my camera charging all night in order to take allot of pictures and I did not get one!! I was so preoccupied with making sure the shower went smoothly, that I totally forgot to take pictures. I'm bummed. Anyway, I made these cute water bottles and party favors. They took some time to put together but I actually enjoyed it. My friend Heather helped me come up with allot of the ideas so I can't take all the credit, thank you, Heather!

Cameron's blessing is tomorrow so I am going to get pictures then, for sure! Congratulations again Tammy on having a boy we are so excited, especially Brayden. We love you Cameron!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Before & After

Here is Brayden before his hair cut. Look at his beautiful baby hair, I loved it.
Here is Brayden after his hair cut. He is starting to look like a toddler now, no more baby hair!

Aunt Jacqui's Visit

Last weekend my sister Jacqui came to visit. We had so much fun with her, we went to Rainforest Cafe and enjoyed all the animals of the rain forest. The girls had a special bond with one of the elephants there. They are not real of course but are on sensors and every time the girls would move the elephant would move with them. They loved dancing around him, or her!! Afterwards Jacqui spoiled them with gifts she had brought, Jacqui and her mother-in-law brought gifts and it looked like Christmas sitting out on the grass. Thank you, Jacqui! We love you!