Monday, August 25, 2008

Mikayla's Starts Dancing

Today Mikayla had her first dance class at Mrs. Brenda's! She is so excited that she is going to be able to be in all the parades and shows this year with Haley. Last year she had to sit on the side line and watch Haley perform and now she is old enough to join in all the performing!!

Here she is trying to get her feet to go into "first" position. It was too cute, Mrs. Brenda was trying to teach them how to do a plie (spelling?), and Mikayla could not get her knees to bend out to the side, so she kept trying and watching her knees to see if they would go to the side! She said her favorite part was when Mrs. Brenda told them a story about an apple tree and then taught them how to be apple trees! Here is Mikayla with Mrs. Brenda, we love her, but where does she get all her energy!?!

1 comment:

Amelia said...

I love it...she's totally concentrating!!