Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fun, Fun, Fun!

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit this weekend and stayed at Lowes Resort at Lake Las Vegas. It was so much fun spending the day at the Resort today, we got to go swimming in the fun pool, go down the big water slide and even spend some time on paddle boats.

Sydney and Haley spent most of their time in the pool playing around with Grandpa.

and Cara spent allot of their time at the beach part of the Resort building sand castles and playing in the Lake!

To wrap up our fun water filled day we rented paddle boats. Tammy and I tackled the strong winds with our paddles but we did not make it too far. We weren't out long before deciding it just is not a good idea to go rowing in the wind!! Oh but we did sing "row, row, row your boat" while we were out their!

Here is Grandpa tackling the winds on his paddle boat, "go grandpa go!" he went fast!

Here is Tammy and I with Haley and Sydney getting ready to go out. Do we look like the adventurist type?

1 comment:

Mommy to Tyler & Kendall said...

You guys are brave! I never go on those. I'm afraid they would tip over. I hate to get wet. :-) I'm such a spoil sport.