Sydney and Haley spent most of their time in the pool playing around with Grandpa.

Here is Grandpa tackling the winds on his paddle boat, "go grandpa go!" he went fast!

When we picked her up it was a totally different Haley, she was so excited and happy. She loved Kindergarten, she loved Ms. Lewis and she loved the kids and had fun with a little girl named Kayla, whom she knew from preschool. She even did some lunch time trading giving some of her brownie bites for a fruit roll up!! Walker is an International school and the second half of the day Haley is with Senora Quinonez, who only speaks Spanish to the kids. She will never speak English to them or while she is around them. Haley was worried about knowing what to do and understanding her. But when we picked her up she said it was fine and that their is a hand signal she is suppose to do if she has to go to the bathroom! (funny, that the bathroom worried her) Tonight at bedtime she was so excited and said she could not wait to go back to school.
Today was Haley's special day with mommy. We dropped off Mikayla and Brayden at Mema and Pop Pops home in the morning and began our special day. It started with a trip to the dentist office. Haley was very brave and did all the x-rays and cleaning by herself, mommy waited out in the waiting room, my little girl is growing up! When it was time to see Dr. Brandon, (Haley's Dentist) I joined Haley to hear what he had to say. Haley did not have any cavities and has very strong, healthy teeth. It does not look like we will be seeing any teeth fall out or grow in until she is about 7! We ran into Sydney and Cara at the dentist, they were having their teeth cleaned too.
After the dentist apt. we were both hungry, Haley's pick for lunch was a favorite of hers, Jason's Deli. We invited Aunt Tammy, Sydney and Cara to join us, that was allot of fun, the little girls all sat at their own table and enjoyed macaroni and cheese with ice cream cones for desert.
Next; we headed over to Fun Cuts, where Haley got about 3 inches cut off her hair. I love it, it makes her look older, her hair looks cleaner now, not so raggedy!! After the hair cut we took our kindergarten list over to Target and got everything Haley needs for her first day of kindergarten, which is on Monday!! Again so grown up, Haley pushed the cart around the whole store picking out everything she will need.
To end our special day Haley wanted to go see a movie. We wanted to see Kit Kitterage, but it was no longer playing in theaters so we saw Wall-E. It was a cute movie. Haley and I shared a popcorn and had a real nice time. I loved spending time with her and learning new things about her. She is a beautiful little girl, she is serious, quiet, stubborn, loving, cautious, caring and curious, she is particular in what she wants, I am so proud of who she is becoming.
Happy Birthday, Uncle Kevin!!!
We love you and miss you soooooo much! Wish you were here to celebrate!
With our backyard being what it is we do not go out their very often so when we do the kids love it. Only a child would!! It is hard keeping them out of the dirt but they love riding the bikes and scooters.
Here is Brayden's debut on a four wheeler!