Thursday, July 17, 2008

Lets Jam!

Sydney and Cara came over yesterday to play and I got these two pictures of everyone including Brayden dancing and singing like rock stars! It was so funny to watch Brayden try and keep up with the girls. Now that he is walking he wants to do everything they do. Here is Haley and Sydney posing for the camera. They really got into it and they love the guitar, watch out Grandpa one day they might just give you a run for your money! Haley is already asking to bring her guitar to Grandpa's so she can play with him!

I know this picture is not that great, very blurry, but you can see Brayden dancing his little heart out, or his legs, which will probably collapse first given he just started using them!! This boy loves music. It does not matter where we are when he hears a good beat he starts shaking his head to it, it really is hilarious!


We are the Matthews! said...

Your red kitchen looks good in this picture. They all had such a fun time. And Brayden is a little hottie!!

Mommy to Tyler & Kendall said...

Look at him go! Kendall still isn't walking by herself.