Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Logandale Fair

We went to our 1st state fair on Saturday. It was very dirty, fun, but very dirty!!! Haley performed with Brenda's dance studio, she did a tap dance. She loves being on stage and being able to wear make-up!! I am not good at the video part in my camera but I attempted to do a video clip that I have posted. Ignore the shaking and Haley is the one in the middle in hot pink with her hair in a bun and a black feather in her hair. After the performance we all stayed and enjoyed the food and the rides. The girls got to ride on their first real horse, they loved it! I think I have two cowgirls on my hands! Haley's favorite ride was the pony rides and Mikayla's was the pony rides and the bouncer slide. She did not like the little kid roller coaster at all, she walked off of it screaming and crying, while Haley wanted to ride it again! We had fun, loved the food, but wished we did not get so dirty.


Amelia said...

Jen! She's so cute...what a brave little girl. Carys is so shy and she hated dance :( Love your video clip!!

We are the Matthews! said...

Love the pictures. I wish I was there!! All the girls have such pretty blue eyes. Hey, check out my site I taged you!!