Monday, April 7, 2008

Brayden's 1st Birthday

On April 3rd 2008 my baby boy turned one!! It's hard to believe it has already been a year, it went by so quickly. He is so sweet and happy all the time, I can always get him to smile. He is still not walking, not even close yet! And he has yet to say a real word, other then babble, and the occasional "da da" and "ma ma"!! He is allot smaller then the girls were at his age too, which is why we all think of him as a baby still. But he is trying, he has started pulling himself up and just recently moving along the furniture on his feet. He loves music and is always ready to join the girls with shaking his head back and forth and clapping his hands to the beat, it is hilarious to watch. I am excited to see him grow and begin toddler hood. What will this new year have in store for him, only time will tell!


Amelia said...

Jen!! I'm so excited to see your family on here! They're all so beautiful! I can't believe that Brayden is already one! Time flies!!

Andrea said...

Hey Jennifer, you have too much time on your hands!!! What a neat idea. I will put this site in our favorites. I still marval how much Brayen looks like Mason. What a cutie! You know I'm biased. :o)I can't wait to see you all again. One of these days we will get to move out there. Hugs and kisses to you all. Love Andrea

We are the Matthews! said...

Ok, Im now open to the public. Ive been trying to get back into it. Love you