Saturday, May 31, 2008

Grandma's Here!

When Grandma comes it is always fun to go swimming at the Resort at Lake Las Vegas. The girls are turning into quite the little fishes. They love to show off their jumps for the camera. Brayden on the other hand did not want anything to do with the water. He held onto me for dear life. It will be interesting to see how he does in a couple of weeks when him and I do swimming lessons together. I hope I don't have a screamer on my hands! Brayden, Cameron and Grandma had some quality time sitting out by the pool. I love that picture, Grandma and her boys, who woulda thought!

1 comment:

grandma said...

I will never be doubtful of boys again. I love to swim with my grandchildren. The most fun is being with my family!!! Lets do it again real soon!!! Oh and thank you Heavenly Father for giving my daughters their little boys. I still beleive in GIRL POWER. Love, grandma