Haley and I had a very nice day with each other at Red Rock Canyon. We began the day with a hike along the children's discovery trail. We found our way to a beautiful waterfall. After exploring the area and standing under the freezing cold water from the waterfall we decided it was time to refuel. We had a picnic lunch on the highest rock while we talked and watched others enjoy the waterfall. I have wanted to bring Haley here for a while now, ever since I went with Mikayla and Brayden and the playgroup. I knew Haley would love it, so I decided to plan a special day with her. I decided to bring our Book of Mormon Stories book, and while we were sitting on that pretty large rock, looking down onto the beautiful waterfall I read to her about Joseph Smith and how the Book of Mormon came to us. I was impressed with Haley's knowledge, she knew allot more then I had assumed, go primary!! We talked about prayer, receiving answers to prayers, and faith. I loved hearing her talk about what

she knows, and hearing the faith she has in knowing that Heavenly Father will answer her prayers just like he answered Joseph Smith's. After we were done with all the eating and talking we had our "energy pills" aka Hershey Kisses, and headed back out on the trail. We got back to the car and Haley was ready for more, she wanted to go rock climbing on the big rocks that we passed on the way to the Discovery Trail. I have to admit I was a little hesitant, I wasn't sure either of us were up for that but she really wanted to so I gave in and we went over to the Calico Rocks. Here is just one of our views from on top of some pretty high rocks.

Boy, was I surprised with just how well Haley did. I learned a little more about my beautiful almost 6 year old, like how determine she can be when she has set her mind to something. She does not give up, she was able to put her fear aside and concentrate on the task at hand. She is a very determine little girl. At times
my fear was a little overwhelming, I wanted to turn around and find another way or another rock to climb, but Haley just kept persevering. I overheard her saying to herself "I can do this, I can do this" and "don't be scared, I can do this" words can not describe how proud I was of her and her determination.

We had a blast and both of us agreed that this is something we will definitely do again. More then once Haley told me how much fun she had and how grateful she was that we took the time to do this. It sure makes scripture study more fun!!