Haley had her first field day in Kindergarten. She was so excited about this field day and was constantly reminding me about it. I signed up to bring water balloons and volunteer for the two hours of the actual event, from 9-11. I don't know what got into me that made me sign up for the water balloons but boy was I sorry that I did. Brett was out of town for work so I was on my own to fill and tie up the balloons. It was pure and complete hell!! My fingers actually received blisters on them that opened up and hurt so bad. First note to self...do not under any circumstance sign up to bring water balloons to any function ever again!
A fun letter was sent home days before field day warning us parents that our children would get wet. Knowing that their were going to be water balloons there I assumed that was what the warning was for. With that assumption came the thought, "how wet are they really going to get, I'm sure not that wet." Second note to self...do not assume! Well, I know I have been told before not to assume, but I am not a quick study so I continue to assume...my assumption was way off!! The water balloons were the least amount of wetness Haley received that day!! Which leads me to my third and final note to self for future field days...do not put girls in white tee shirts when they are going to get wet!!

More fun field day experiences...