We went to a water park in CA this summer with the Lloyd Family. I never posted any pictures so here are just some of the fun moments captured on film. We had a blast, can't wait to go next summer!! Mikayla was unstoppable, our little 3 year old was going on all the slides they would let her go on, she had no fear! She can already swim so I did not worry too much, she is definitely the "fish" in the family!! This first pic is of Mikayla on one of the bigger water slides in the park, she was almost too small for the raft!

Here is Brendan, Haley, Madison and Mikayla, Haley is trying to catch the water on her tongue!
Brett and I absolutely loved going down the slides as well, it was fun to act like kids again!!

These last couple of pictures are of Mommy, Daddy and Haley, the picture of the slide is a little blurry but we all agreed it was our favorite slide! We called it the toilet bowl because the slide spit you out into a great bowl like thing and then funneled you into a pool. My stomach dropped every time but I loved it. Brett loved it too but did not like carrying that huge raft up 4 flights of stairs (quite a workout) so we did not go on it as much as we would have liked! Mikayla was too little to go on this one, she was very upset she could not join us, next year!