I don't think I'm a crazy spender. On the contrary, I think I'm more of a tight spender, so coupon cutting should be right up my ally. I love the whole organizing and filing thing and I love, love, love saving money, it makes me feel so good about my purchases (kinda like my own little "high")! Their are two things that detract from the positive image I have of coupon cutting; one, how time consuming it can be and two, having my kids with me when I go to the store. If I can control my time obsessing about the coupons and the websites and try to go to the store when Brett's home this will work!
I began yesterday by going through all the coupons I already have. I cut, separated and filed all of them. I'm still trying to find a system that works for me, I'm not quite their yet. I guess it will be trial and error. Their are a few web sites that were recommended; they are, coupons.com, moneysavingmom.com and iheartcvs.com. After visiting those sites I printed, cut and organized the coupons I was going to use today at CVS. I have to admit that being on the computer and putting together a money saving plan was great, I loved that part.
This morning I woke up ready for the task at hand, saving money! Coupons and children in hand I headed to CVS. We arrived, and as I was unloading the kids I realized I did not grab my wallet, NICE!! So, back in the car we all went and I drove back home to get my forgotten wallet. I am pretty sure I did not look like the pro I wanted to look like. I had coupons falling out of the envelope I had put them in, Brayden and Mikayla fighting over who was going to drive the car portion of the cart we choose (you know the carts that have the car attached to the front, love them)! Oh, and did I mention Brayden was barefoot. Yes, in all my excitement I ran out the door without putting shoes on him. I did manage to make it through the shopping experience without too many bruises. Even with the little frustrations I felt it was a positive experience. I will continue my coupon adventures, hopefully with even greater savings then I had today!

So here it is my big savings, I spent 33 dollars and saved 22 dollars. Not bad for my first time. Now that I have some CVS "bucks" it can only get better, go me!!